搜索 Kaur

  • 喜剧片
  • 浴火巾帼2[电影解说]
      Shivani Shivaji Roy is back and this time she's on the trail of a 21 year old merciless villain who targets women.
  • 当一名幼儿园老师——亚米·高塔姆绑架了 16 名小学生并提出一系列要求时,不仅震撼了孟买警察和城市,而且在全国及其政界人士中引起了反响。
  • 沉默而孤独的中年男人赛扬·费尔南德斯(伊尔凡·可汗 Irfan Khan 饰)妻子去世多年,工作也快到了退休之时。形单影只的赛扬上班下班吃饭回家,寂寞的时候就在阳台上抽烟,不发出一句响声;伊拉(妮拉特·考尔 Nimrat Kaur 饰),一个单纯简单的家庭主妇。她把所有的感情都投入到了家庭中,把照顾女儿伺候丈夫视为自己的责任。她只希望她的丈夫…
  • 卡拉克是一部史诗般的浪漫剧,六个神秘、深奥、渴望的人物纠结在寻找爱情的过程中,却被印度北部城市胡塞那巴德的两个世界的分裂所分开。乔杜里家族的精英、富丽堂皇和庄严的世界,以及这个小镇的狂野、神秘和音乐底蕴,希拉·曼迪,在鲁普·乔杜里遇到扎法尔时发生了冲突,扎法尔是来自赫拉·曼迪的一个胆大妄为的人,他释放出深藏的真相、背叛…
  • He makes her life a nightmare. Together with her friends, she lays out a revenge plan
  • Set on the cusp of the 19th century in Delhi before the British ruled in that region, the drama depicts the fortunes of the residents of Beecham House, an imposing mansion surrounded by acres of exotic woods and pristine lawns.    Tom Bateman (Vanity Fair, Jekyll and Hyde) takes the role of enigmatic, soulful John Beec…
  • Set on the cusp of the 19th century in Delhi before the British ruled in that region, the drama depicts the fortunes of the residents of Beecham House, an imposing mansion surrounded by acres of exotic woods and pristine lawns.    Tom Bateman (Vanity Fair, Jekyll and Hyde) takes the role of enigmatic, soulful John Beec…
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's transcendent story suggests an ethical philosophy about life and a universal code of respect for humanity. With every new generation that discovers the fable, the Little Prince's inspiring legacy is cemen…
  • 剧情片
    电影《无声英雄》根据 13 名真正的聋童,通过登山来证明自己与众不同但不是残疾的故事。 从未将聋童视为有能力和平等并在整个过程中劝阻他们的领导者在一次事故中受重伤。 这可能是孩子们攀登喜马拉雅山峰并在外界面前证明自己价值的梦想的终结。 现在是这些聋童展示他们的技能、头脑和勇气来拯救他们的领袖并证明他们的价值。